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Welcome to the Squirrel-Net Blog!

Hello and welcome to the Squirrel-Net Blog - we are so glad you’re here! We are hoping this blog will be a space for us to highlight voices from across our national network, as well as updates on our activities and insights into the squirrely lives of squirrels!

What is Squirrel-Net?

Squirrel-Net was created in 2017 during the annual conference for the American Society of Mammalogists. Our nine founding members came together with the unifying desire to integrate meaningful scientific research with mammals into undergraduate biology education. Since then, we developed and implemented a series of course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) that investigate the behavior and ecology of the squirrel family!

One of the things that makes Squirrel-Net unique is that we build long-term datasets on squirrels from diverse habitats with standardized protocols. These datasets allow students and researchers to test a wide array of ecological questions across a range of spatial and temporal scales.

Did you know there are over 60 species of squirrels found across North America? These small mammals are an appealing and transferable study subject for many reasons: squirrels are charismatic, active all year during the day, and found in numerous habitat types including college campuses.

Finally, we are delighted to announce that in 2020, we received funding from the National Science Foundation’s Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (NSF IUSE) to evaluate the effects of our CURE modules on student gains in content, identity as a scientist, and sense of belonging in STEM. We’d love for you to join us, if you haven’t already!

Where do I fit with Squirrel-Net?

We’d love to connect with you!

If you’re an educator, you may want to explore our CURE modules and request access to our national datasets.

If you’re a student, follow us on social media (Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook) and check out our support videos on our YouTube channel. These resources will help you connect with other students across the country and learn more about what we’re up to.

You may also want to explore the forums on our website where you can browse frequently asked questions or ask your own to get help from Squirrel-Net leadership or others in the network.

What will I find here on the blog?

We plan to publish posts approximately monthly, highlighting stories and experiences from students and faculty across our national network. We will also use this space to provide updates on our activities, new modules, and conference presences.

Do you have experiences, research, or ideas that you’d like to share on our blog? Maybe you discovered something interesting about yourself or squirrel behavior through participating in one of our CUREs? Or, are you a student who wants to gain experience reporting on science news by covering squirrel discoveries? Maybe you are an instructor who has adapted our modules in a unique way that you’d like to share with others in the network? We’d love to hear from you. Please contact us using the form below, and one of our digital media specialists will be in touch about scheduling and editing your post!

Do you have other ideas?

Do you have ideas we should consider for the blog, or feedback on how frequently we post? Did you learn something new about squirrels that you think we should know? Share your thoughts in the comments. We can’t wait to hear from you!


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